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Architectural Design from Leeds – West Yorkshire OWL – Organising Working & Living

Our mission is not to sell you a building

but the design and Organisation to assist your Working & Living environment.

Please telephone to arrange a meeting.

A personal service by Grahame White.

Flexible working hours up to 7 days a week.

Covid-19 update : If you are in isolation or quarantine; I could take a look at your project remotely and online. In recent years I have done a number of appraisals and designs without actually needing to visit the property – I can do this in may cases because there is adequate information available  online for the property already and thus can use this material to build my 3D CAD model of your project. In some cases I may ask you to do a few basic check dimensions…

Commissions include:-


Houses – Bungalows – Extensions

Small works undertaken.

Industrial Buildings & Offices

Community Buildings

Schools Extensions/Alterations

GP/ Dental Practices

Residential Care Homes


Design Style and Aesthetics are tuned to your requirements and not locked into a corporate image.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Not Registered for VAT and thus No VAT added to your bill

Only pay for the time needed for your project and abort at any stage without penalty.

Solutions designed to meet the building commissioner’s requirements and provide efficient construction processes.

“Quietly Functional and Competent Buildings”

No need to build an extension!

On occasions this means that we are able to meet your needs within the existing envelope of your existing building or residence.

Thinking of buying a property? Why not have a sketch design done to explore the possibilities of what you could achieve before you buy – usually much cheaper than a valuation survey! See the Extension Appraisal Page

This is often done just online without a face to face meeting…


Many residential clients make use of the “Architect in the House” scheme. They seek advice on What, Where and How to go about a project. Sometimes this advice is not to proceed with the project but to find another property, or it may be that you do not need an architectural design but just a specialist such as a structural engineer to carry your project forward. We only offer our services where we are able to secure you best value. See the SHELTER Page

2013 numerous school asset management plans reviewed.

Largest Residential Extension in Green Belt in 2011 North View House, Shadwell

Largest Project in 2010 St Oswald Primary School 2FE – 3000m2

Quickest Planning Approval 2009 – 6 weeks.

Largest Planning Application in 2008 – 56 bed nursing home Bryn Awelon II in Cricceth North Wales.

Smallest fee paid in 2007 for Planning & Building Regulation Application £395

3D Computer aided design inc. as standard!

A keen interest in Grand Designs & Sustainability

Design Style and Aesthetics are tuned to your requirements and not locked into a corporate image.

Small Print Made Big (Terms and Conditions)

Only pay for the time needed for your project and abort at any stage without penalty.

These are the general terms of appointment as required by arb** & RIBA*.

This usually extends to design work for “OWL” Organising Working and Living (or Learning)
& the following as required. is usually charged at an hourly rate and billed monthly.

Planning Advice

Planning Applications

Planning Appeals

Building Regulations Advice

Building Regulations Submission

Basic Schedule of Works for Pricing

Construction Advice

Ad hoc Site Inspection

Technical Advice

Where Consultancy Services are outside the competency of a direct appointment of other consultant(s) will be required. e.g. Construction Design and Management Regulations, Party Wall Agreements, Quantity Surveying, Contract Administration, Structural Calculations & Topographical Surveys.

No additional costs for postage, printing (up to A3 size drawings) or mileage is charged on accounts.

All work is generally issued by PDF. Many clients read and view the A3 drawings on iPad etc.

*RIBA = Royal Institute of British Architects

**arb = Architects Registration Board

residential architects

The arb issued a guidance document in 2021 that included SUSTAINABLE DESIGN PRINCIPLES with the following key points:-

“SB1. Understand the relationships between buildings, settlements, communities and a changing climate, and be able to design low and zero carbon buildings
SB2. Understand social sustainability and social value as tools to measure the impact of development upon communities
SB3. Be able to design to preserve, integrate and enhance natural habitats which encourage biodiversity and support access to green infrastructure space for communities
SB4. Be able to apply the design principles of:

● Retrofit First
● Fabric First and thermal/energy efficiency
● Passive Design
● Daylighting
● Appropriate renewable technologies
● Life Cycle Assessment and Costing
● Whole Life Carbon & Low embodied carbon design
● Water cycle, demand, supply and reduction”


Whatever we throw at OWL they always deliver.

OWL thinks outside the box, inside the box and around the box – unexpected solutions

OWL dont just draw it – they make it better.

A design beyond our expectations

Do you only work nights?

Fantastic speed of delivery – 1 week to Planning

It is a hoot working with OWL

HOUZZ feedback

residential architects