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Home Extension Appraisal

This is the service for you even if you are just thinking about purchasing a new home with potential.

Following the lock down experience we have all been through I have found it beneficial to carry out research before visiting homeowners dwellings and have on a number of occasions not needed to make a site visit, in person, to carry the project through the planning process.

As many homeowners find my initial advice invaluable, I am now charging £180 for an extension appraisal and assessment. This essentially covers up to 3hrs of my time at £60/hr, but it may actually take me 4-6 hrs to do the appraisal for you – a potential saving of £180 in itself.

The appraisal consists of pre-visit research

  1. Looking online to see what information is available for your dwelling and or nearby similar dwellings
  2. Looking at the construction sales and planning history
  3. Looking at precedents in the area and of course
  4. Using my extensive experience of planning applications and appeals over 40+ years
  5. I will supply you with a simple guide to permitted development if appropriate including the recent additional storey(s).
  6. I will advise if I consider if stated alterations are worth the investment or not
  7. I will provide as appropriate examples of similar projects that may inform your thinking

An exchange of emails and if required a site visit and meeting will follow your decision to move forward with this arrangement

  1. I will point you in the right direction for estimating building costs
  2. I may be able to suggest suitable builders
  3. I will be able to obtain quotes from structural engineers and or other specialist on your behalf
  4. I will be able to advise on likely planning application fees and options
  5. I will be able to advise on the likely need to go for a planning appeal and the likely costs of that
  6. I will be able to advise on the likely cost of building regulations and the options available to you therein
  7. I will be able to advise on the party wall agreement requirements
  8. I will be able to advise on Community Infrastructure Levy requirements
  9. I will be able to advise on the need for special building insurances
  10. I will be able to advise on Construction Design and Management Regulations
  11. I will be able to advise on Construction Contracts & Tender Processes

If you are looking merely for a loft conversion than I would advise you to go direct to a Loft Conversion Company.

On occasions I do advise homeowners to move house rather than build an extension which might make this the best £180 you ever spend.

Normally domestic projects for home owners have 3 stages; these are 1) Planning, 2) Building Regulations with a Schedule of Works for Tender. Followed by 3) Tender Pricing and Works on site. Occasionally my input is only required to Planning stage as some homeowners do have a builder on board in the first instance and have a trusted relationship with them.

Should we proceed beyond the initial extension appraisal, no VAT or travel expenses are added to my monthly invoicing.

If you wish to proceed I will send you an extension appraisal invoice in the sum of £180 and request that payment is made by return so that I may start work on your project.

On occasions I waive this fee, but instead request a direct donation to Shelter for the same amount.

I find it best if homeowners describe What works? & What does not work? with their current home. Rather than just state we want to add a “shoe box” extension of X metres by Y metres. What do you like? & What do you not like? about our current home. NB. Photos of stuff in glossy magazines do not normally describe your current or intended use and can be an huge drain of both your time and mine by being a distraction to good space planning and value for money.

Every house and homeowner do have their own very special circumstances and requirements. For example I have a new client who has a wheelchair user extended family member come to visit/stay. The client also have an enormous bed and thus need a larger than average master bedroom. They also need a separate lounge and a separate study as well as a significant games room in addition to three other bedrooms, a house bathroom and an open plan kitchen/dining/sitting area that open out onto the rear garden. A statement entrance is also required as are enlarged dormer windows. On this occasion the staircase needs to be moved and changed in order to make all this work and release a lot of first floor landing space to the master bedroom.

On rare occasions I find that an extension is not required, but merely an internal reorganisation is all that is required.

Please advise how you wish to proceed.

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