1112_729 1167 - school
1112_729 1167 - school
work in progress - new level entry - school
1112_722 1016 - school
1112_722 1016 - school
prior to work in progress - entry not level - school
1112_714 1368 - school
1112_714 1368 - school
Level entry (from the other side) - school
1112_714 1365
1112_714 1365
Level entry from this side - school
1112_428 1271 - school
1112_428 1271 - school
New wall to match existing - school
1112_223 1106 - school
1112_223 1106 - school
old entrance not a level approach - school
1112_223 1105 - school
1112_223 1105 - school
old entrance not a level approach - school
1112_223 1104 - school
1112_223 1104 - school
caution air-bricks - school
1112_014LongPrestonProposed - school
1112_014LongPrestonProposed - school
simple plan - level approach - school
simple plan - un-level approach - school
The project connected the two entrances so that wheelchair and general visitors could access both school entrances from the original ramped access. Also, the alternative stepped access to the playground was reworked
Wheelchair friendly WC was also converted from an old storeroom