2046 FrontDormers
Dormer windows at front - overlooking Green Belt

2046 FrontDormersThumb
Dormer windows at front - overlooking Green Belt

2046 rear
Rear Garden View - existing

2046 GrdFloor
Rear extension on splay garden

2046 FrontEle
Dormer windows to front approved at appeal

2046 front
Additional Dormer windows to front approved at appeal

2046 3D Rear
Dormer windows to front approved at appeal Rear extension on splay garden

2046 2ndFloor
loft plan - semi
Here a two-storey “potato printed” estate house is supersized. The kitchen with a blank wall outlook is moved into the garden and now sits between the east and south gardens. The garage is converted into a multi-media room and replaced with a “push-me-pull-you” shed in the garden and bike storage. Two bedrooms are added to the existing very tall loft space.
As initially advised by OWLarchitecture.com the Front Dormers had to go to Planning Appeal because the Local Planning Authority is seemingly both obstructive and inconsistent – At some cost – we got there in the end…