0916_614 0916 StOs SouthBefore
St Oswalds Library Extension South Before - school
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St Oswalds Library Extension - wedged in - school
0916_614 0916 StOsD101
stone column slices used as feature in new playground wall - school
0916_614 0916 StOsD101Stone
stone column slices used as feature in new playground wall - school
0916_614 0916 StOs040
nursery wc`s - school
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3000m2 floor plan - school
0916_614 0916 StOs Roof 004
metal slates used to replace vandal damage - school
0916_614 0916 StOs E30 014a
Internal space opened up - school
St Oswald’s Cof E (VA) Primary School has benefited from funding from various sources that have contributed to a significant uplift in the teaching environments. Funding for enlarging classrooms was successfully redirected in part and with permission, into new heating controls and lighting as well as replacement ceilings and wcs. The works covered the whole building and have significantly reduced the carbon footprint on an ongoing basis for years to come.
A new library filled in an awkward external niche. This has been furnished and stocked with new resources. The old library and other storage areas have been opened to form new teaching spaces off circulation spaces. The provision of staircase connections to an existing basement and a new mezzanine has significantly increased the accessible storage space available for the wide curriculum. The whole building is approx 3,000m2 and originally had 160 different roof planes. At the time the listed status cut both ways as this restricted what materials could be used on the older parts of the building and permitted Zero rating VAT on ALTERATIONS.
The main floor plan below the blue is new works and the red is demolition works – a planned mezzanine was not funded.