last updated 18/09/2024 | A-Z List >>>
1322_614 1322 GtPreston 073
1322_614 1322 GtPreston 073
school sold 3 times - detached
1322_614 1322 GtPreston 067
1322_614 1322 GtPreston 067
school sold 3 times - detached
1322_614 1322 GtPreston 066
1322_614 1322 GtPreston 066
school sold 3 times - detached
1322_614 1322 GtPreston 068
1322_614 1322 GtPreston 068
school sold 3 times - detached
1322 IMG_6066
1322 IMG_6066
Great Preston School - WIP
1322_614 1322 GtPreston 006
1322_614 1322 GtPreston 006
school sold 3 times - detached
1322 IMG_6059
1322 IMG_6059
Great Preston School - WIP
1322 IMG_6058
1322 IMG_6058
Great Preston School - WIP
1322 201401GtPr090
1322 201401GtPr090
Great Preston School - WIP
C:UsersGrahameDocuments20131002 1322 GtPreston Option3a Plan
C:UsersGrahameDocuments20131002 1322 GtPreston Option3a Plan
change of use from school to single dwelling - detached
C:UsersGrahameDocuments20131002 1322 GtPreston Option3a Plan
C:UsersGrahameDocuments20131002 1322 GtPreston Option3a Plan
change of use from school to single dwelling - detached
1322_614 1322 GtPreston 090
1322_614 1322 GtPreston 090
school roof stripped out - detached